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Corso, Philip J. & Birnes, William J.: The day after Roswell (Hc/Pb)
Canadian UFO Report (1977-1979)
Pope, Nick: The Uninvited. An exposé of the alien abduction phenomenon
Welfare, Simon & Fairley, John: Arthur C Clarke's Mysterious world
Friedman, Stanton T.: Top secret/Majic
Fortean Times (1991-1994)
Flying Saucer Review (1968-1969)
Angelucci, Orfeo: The Secret of the saucers
Fortean Times (1987-1991)
Fortean Times (1983-1986)
Fortean Times (1980-1982)
Menger, Howard: From outer space to you
Brookesmith, Peter (editor): The age of the UFO
Fortean Times (1978-1979)
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Fortean Times (1976-1977)
News (The News) (1975-1976)
News (The News) (1973-1974)
Flying Saucer Review (1958-1959)
Flying Saucer Review (1956-1957)
Flying Saucer Review (1955)
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Harbinson, W. A.: Projekt UFO. The case for man-made flying saucers (Pb)
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Pope, Nick: Open skies, closed minds. For the first time a government UFO expert speaks out
Good, Timothy (ed.): The UFO report 1992
Velikovsky, Immanuel: Earth in upheaval (Sc)
Fuller, John G.: The interrupted journey. Two lost hours aboard a flying saucer
Bearden, Thomas E.: Excalibur briefing (Sc)
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Good, Timothy: Unearthly disclosure. Conflicting interest in the control of extraterrestrial intelligence
Stendek (1970-1973)
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Flying Saucer Review (1966-1967)
Good, Timothy: Beyond top secret. The Worldwide UFO security threat
Flying Saucer Review (1964-1965)
Flying Saucer Review (1960-1961)
Commander X: Underground alien bases (sc)
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Schlemmer, Phyllis (transceiver) & Bennett, Mary (ed.): The Only planet of choice. (Sc)
Bowart, Walter: Operation mindcontrol
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Flying Saucer Review Case Histories (1970-1974)
Twenty Twenty Vision (Birdsall) (1989-1991)
UFO Magazine (Birdsall, UK) (2002)
Fuller, John G. (ed.): Aliens in the skies. The new UFO battle of the scientists (Pb)
Fuller, John G.: Incident at Exeter. Unidentified flying objects over America now (Pb)
Fowler, Raymond E: UFOs: Interplanetary visitors. A UFO investigator reports on facts, fables, fantasies of the flying saucer conspiracy (Pb)
Fowler, Raymond E.: The Andreasson affair (Pb)
Flindt, Max H. & Binder, Otto O.: Mankind - child of the stars (Pb)
Evans, Christopher: Cults of unreason (Pb)
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Erskine, Allen Louis: Why are they watching us? (Pb)
Emenegger, Robert: UFO's, past, present & future (Pb)
Eisenbud, Jule: The World of Ted Serios. "Thoughtographic" studies of an extraordinary mind (Pb)
Edwards, Frank: Strange world (Pb)
Edwards, Frank: Strange world (Pb)
Edwards, Frank: Stranger than science (Pb)
Edwards, Frank: Stranger than science (Pb)
Edwards, Frank: Strange people (Pb)
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Edwards, Frank: Flying saucers - here and now (Pb)
Ebon, Martin (ed.): The Riddle of the Bermuda triangle (Pb)
Ebon, Martin (ed.): The Amazing Uri Geller (Pb)
Däniken, Erich von: Von Däniken's proof
(Out of Stock)
Däniken, Erich von: The Gold of the gods (Pb)
Thomas, Kenn & Lawrence, Lincoln: Mind control, Oswald & JFK: Were we controlled?
Napier, John: Bigfoot. Startling evidence of another form of life on Earth now!
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Hunter, Don & Dahinden, René: Sasquatch
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Däniken, Erich von: Gods from outer space. Evidence for the impossible (Pb)
Däniken, Erich von: Miracles of the gods. A new look at the supernatural (Pb)
Däniken, Erich von: Miracles of the gods. A hard look at the supernatural (Pb)
Däniken, Erich von: The Gold of the gods (Pb)
Däniken, Erich von: Return to the stars. Evidence for the impossible (Pb)
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