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Däniken, Erich von: Miracles of the gods. A new look at the supernatural (Pb)
Däniken, Erich von: Miracles of the gods. A hard look at the supernatural (Pb)
Däniken, Erich von: The Gold of the gods (Pb)
Däniken, Erich von: Return to the stars. Evidence for the impossible (Pb)
Däniken, Erich von: Chariots of the gods? Unsolved mysteries of the past (Pb)
Däniken, Erich von: In search of ancient gods. My pictorial evidence for the impossible
Däniken, Erich von: Chariots of the gods? Unsolved mysteries of the past (Pb)
Däniken, Erich von: According to the evidence (Pb)
Druffel, Ann & Rogo, D. Scott: The Tujunga canyon contacts (Pb)
Drake, W. Raymond: Messengers from the stars (Pb)
Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in the ancient east (Pb)
Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in the ancient east (Pb)
Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in ancient Israel (Pb)
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Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen throughout history (Pb)
Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in the ancient west (Pb)
Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen of the ancient past (Pb)
Northern UFO News (1981-1982)
Northern UFO News (1979-1980)
Bord, Janet & Colin: Alien animals. A worldwide investigation
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Bord, Janet & Colin: The Bigfoot casebook
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De Grazia, Alfred (ed.): The Velikovsky affair
Velikovsky, Immanuel: Oedipus and Akhnaton. Myth and history
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Lumieres dans la nuit, Vues Nouvelles (1975)
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Lumieres dans la nuit (1990-1993)
Lumieres dans la nuit (1977-1979)
Pursuit (1985-1989)
Pursuit (1981-1984)
Pursuit (1977-1980)
Keith, Jim: Casebook on Alternative 3. UFOs, secret societies and world control
Petersen, H. C.: Elitens sendebud
Caveat Emptor (1988-1990), second series
Caveat Emptor (1972-1974), first series
Cereologist/Cerealogist, The (1990-2003)
Dead of Night Magazine (1995-1999)
Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in Greece and Rome (Pb)
Downing, Barry H.: The Bible and flying saucers (Pb)
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Downing, Barry H.: The Bible and flying saucers (Pb)
Downing, Barry H.: The Bible and flying saucers (Pb)
Dione, R. L.: God drives a flying saucer (Pb)
Dione, R. L.: God drives a flying saucer (Pb)
Nichols, Preston B. & Moon, Peter: The Montauk project. Experiments in time
Wegner, Willy: UFOer - top secret?
Pegasus (1993-1996)
Pegasus (1981, 1984-85)
Pegasus (1979-1980)
Pegasus (1972-1974)
Pegasus (1970-1971)
Pegasus (1969)
Dance, Peter: Animal fakes & frauds
Van Utrecht, Wim & Der Veldt van, Frits: Unidentified aerial object photographed near Zwischbergen, Switzerland, on July 26, 1975. A case analysis
Stigmata (1978-1983)
Specula (1978-1983)
Constance, Arthur: The inexplicable sky
Vallée, Jacques: Messengers of deception. UFO contacts and cults (Pb)
(Out of Stock)
Bergier, Jacques: Extraterrestrial visitations from prehistoric times to the present (Pb)
Dem, Marc: The Lost tribes from outer space (Pb)
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De Camp, L. Sprague & Catherine C.: Citadels of mystery (Pb)
David, Jay (editor): The flying saucer reader (Pb)
Probe Report (Ian Mrzyglod) (1980-1983)
Collyns, Robin: Laser beams from Star cities? (Pb)
Collyns, Robin: Did spaceman colonise the Earth? (Pb)
Collyns, Robin: Ancient astronauts: A time reversal? (Pb)
Chatelain, Maurice: Our ancestors came from outer space (Pb)
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Charroux, Robert: The Mysterious unknown (Pb)
Charroux, Robert: Lost worlds. Scientific secrets of the ancients (Pb)
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